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What is Google Assistant Relay? [and best alternatives]

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An Assist Relay is a type of Node. Send any question you’d usually send to the Google Assistant, and the server will respond using the Assistant Relay’s REST API implementation.

Is Google Assistant open source

The commercial potential of open-source technologies is about to explode. Intellectual property was closely guarded and kept secret so that competitors couldn’t steal customers away from the original. So yes, Google Assistant is an open source. It has joined raspberry pi.

How to Use the Assistance Relay

To begin using Assistant Relay, a Google Cloud Console project must be established as the initial integration target. To connect several Google Accounts to Assistant Relay, repeat the process above.

  • To activate Assistant Relay, use npm run start in a command prompt.
  • A notification with a button to click that takes you to an Assistant Relay Dashboard will appear in your terminal or command window. Launch your web browser and go to this address:
  • Now, all you have to do is follow the instructions in the setup wizard, where you’ll be asked to provide a username and the password JSON you grabbed earlier.
  • When the initial user is configured, Assistant Relay will notify that it’s ready for use.

How Do I Add a Google Assistant Command

Just imagine how convenient it would be if a secret word you knew could have Google Assistant do multiple things. You may instruct Google Assistant to perform various tasks, including the more common ones, such as checking the weather and playing music.

  • Launch the Google app and use the three dots menu button in the upper right to make your own Assistant Command. Choose Google Assistant, and then tap Settings, the second-to-last option.
  • Click the Assistant button, then choose Routines on the next screen. Some commands for Google Assistant will be pre-loaded. Simply add your own by clicking the blue button in the corner of the screen.
  • To set the phrase that will activate the routine, go to the New routine tab and click “Add commands.” See “Add action” below. There are several options available after you select it, like “inform me about the weather,” “tell me approximately my commute home,” “broadcast I’m home,” “read unread SMS,” and many more.

Google Assistant Relay Alternatives

If Google Assistant Relay is not working out for you, below are some alternative node.js.   

1. Appwrite

As an alternative to Firebase, this open-source project now works with Apple’s iOS. By providing real-time API for authenticating, database, file storage, cloud services, and more, Appwrite is an open-source backend server that speeds up the development of native iOS apps. 

2. n8n  

Fair-code licensed open-source workflow automation software that is free to use. Effortlessly automate processes that span several services.   

3. gBridge

By converting voice instructions into MQTT messages, makes it possible to use Google Assistant to manage virtually any system.

4. InfluxDB

Application development based on time series data made easy and scalable. Developers can create applications for analytics, the Internet of Things, and cloud-native services using InfluxDB in less time and with less code than any other platform.

5. Athena

An alternative to Google Assistant for Android is open source and compatible only with Sapphire Framework. It can convert spoken words into written ones and the reverse. Access to Google or the internet is not necessary.

How Can I Use Google Assistance Relay to Broadcast to Specific Google Home Devices?

Because Google does not officially support this feature, you will need to provide a workaround. Creating a brand-new Google account and linking the desired Google Home devices into a “group” for broadcasting requires the user to create a new Google account.

Assuming you’ve already created a new Google Account, you may proceed with the setup from there, renaming the OAuth file to whatever you like. Then, in your broadcast, include this identifier in the user fields.\


Google Assistant relay is a great way to help you do multiple things at once on your computer. With it, you can command it to speak certain information to you, give details about a project you have been working on, and even control it to play music. Although this is usually reserved for people who know a lot about computer language, rest assured you can do it yourself through steps just like here on this blog.